Mexican Candy

Mexican Candy – Sweet and Spicy Adventure

Mexican candy has ancient roots and history. Mexico is a country that has a rich and vibrant culture and lifestyle. From ancient times, people living there created very unique customs different from all others around the world. The influence of ancient civilizations, such as the Aztecs and Mayans, created something spectacular. Merging all of it…

Russian Candy

Russian Candy – Delectable Sweets and Divine Delights

Russian candy is an integral part of Russian cuisine. However, foreigners frequently associate Russian cuisine with substantial, healthful dishes made with root vegetables to combat the winter chill. This is partially true, but to state that the Russians only ate beetroot soup, boiled cabbage, rye bread, and cottage cheese is simply not true. Many people…

Korean Candy

Korean Candy – 11 Traditional & Modern Sweets You Must Try

Even if you’ve tasted candies from various different countries, we bet you’ll agree that Korean candy is unlike anything you’ve ever tasted. Koreans take snacking seriously and have created some of the world’s most delicious treats and snacks. Considering that Koreans simply adore rice, it’s not really surprising that many of the popular Korean sweets…

Australian Candy

Australian Candy – Favourite Sweets From Down Under

Australian people are lucky to have their own wildlife, landscapes, and architecture. However, when it comes to Australian culture, the Australian candy industry also deserves to be mentioned. Since the country is isolated from the rest of the world, it has created some unique cultural characteristics. Among them, Australia has many amazing and delicious sweet…

Japanese Candy

Japanese Candy – 21 Fancy Sweets & Fascinating Facts

Japanese candy has been an important part of Japanese culture since ancient times. They are usually easily distinguishable from other nations’ treats because of their visual beauty and special aesthetics. Japanese confectionery is a piece of art as well as very delicious in flavor to satisfy your eyes as well as your mouth. It takes…

German Candy

German Candy – Most Popular Treats You Should Try Today

Popular German candy often fascinates people from all over the world. The reason is that some of the most delicious and high-quality candy and chocolates originated in Germany. Do you wonder what type of chocolate, desserts, and candy come from Germany? In fact, this country has a long history of making special treats that are…

French Candy

French Candy

What comes to your mind first when you think of France? Probably delicious pastries and French candy that have been around for a long time. France has been famous for its delicious pastry making around the world, and it is no wonder that the country has been associated with sweet treats and confectionaries worldwide.  It…