Bubble Yum Gum

Bubble Yum Gum: Iconic Brand That Revolutionized Bubble Gum History

When recalling the heartwarming nostalgia and carefree days of childhood, chances are, along with other remembrances, you’ll conjure up a picture of yourself with a mouth full of immense pieces of chewing gum. Unfortunately, such feelings of pure joy rarely come to adulthood. Although there was a serious debate even back in our childhood about…

Topps Bubble Gum

Topps Bubble Gum

Topps Bubble Gum was first sold in association with baseball trading cards made by the Topps company. Baseball and chewing gum have a long, rich, and interconnected history that dates back to the first pitchers chewing brands of gum that were sponsors of their team. Sports and gum became linked to one another as soon…

Orbit Gum

Orbit Gum

Orbit is a sugarless gum product that is made by Wrigley Company. This gum has been around for a very long time, but it has not been sold continuously since its first appearance in 1899. It is unusual for a gum product to have come and gone so many times from the shelves of stores…

Big Red Gum

Big Red Gum

Big Red Gum is one of the best cinnamon gums on the market, and it has been really popular almost since it was first sold. Big Red is also made by the same company as Juicy Fruit Gum, and the two products have long been some of the best classic gums that people chew to…

Wrigley's Gum

Wrigley’s Gum

There are many gum products that are still sold in the US that were not actually intended to become a big hit. Wrigley’s gum was actually never intended to be the main product that was made by the company. In fact, this gum was originally intended to just be added to product packaging as a…

Juicy Fruit Gum

Juicy Fruit Gum – Delicious Chewing Gum With Mysterious Flavor

Juicy Fruit Gum, the iconic fruit gum that has captured the hearts of generations, has remained a beloved favorite among Americans for over a century. As the number one fruit gum brand in the United States, the popularity of Juicy Fruit endures to this day, thanks to its irresistible flavor and unique texture.  The chewing…