Candy Mascots

Candy Mascots – Top 10 Of All Time

The taste of candy has been with us all since childhood. A  long time ago, in the history of advertising, you could not have sold a product if you did not have your mascot associated with your brand. These mascots were as real to us as the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus, and we trusted them to endorse only the finest food products.

They have, over time, changed, refined, and some have disappeared altogether. Companies nowadays prefer to pay actors to promote their products.

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Don’t forget the candy mascots we’ve lost, and show love to the ones that are still here. In the spirit of paying homage to the greats, we present the top 10 candy mascots of all time!

Chocolate, candy, gum, and mints can hold a special place in our hearts. From holidays and celebrations to everyday moments of joy, confectionery can play a role in a happy, balanced lifestyle. With a busy day and a stressful environment, we should all be able to have a couple of gummy bears… as a treat.

In this article, we will discuss the most popular candy of all time. You will also discover myths about candy that we bet you thought were true!

Candy Brands With Mascots

  1. M&M’s
  2. Nerds
  3. Cheerios
  4. Sour Patch Kids
  5. Jelly Belly
  6. Froot Loops
  7. Everlasting Gobstopper
  8. Cheetos
  9. Pringles
  10. Trix Cereal
Candy Mascots

Top 10 Candy Mascots Of All Time

Snacks are pretty much the best part about being a kid is the snacks, aren’t they? It is still a pleasure to see their amazing candy mascots and the companies use them quite well.

Which one is your favorite candy mascot? A lot of them are still preserved today, but some of them we can only see in old pictures. In this section, we will present the top 10 candy mascots that have taken their place in the long and sweet history of candies.

1. M&M’s

m&ms mascot

M&Ms were first created in 1941. The inspiration for their creation was World War II soldiers, to give them snacks, and today we meet them on every trip to NASA.

Simple ideas are often the best ones — and the ones that don’t need a billion-dollar budget. BBDO’s idea was to take the colors of the candies in the bag and develop each into a character to make a comedic ensemble.

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Each M&M is named after their color, and their personalities are as follows: Red is a self-confident leader, Yellow is an oblivious goofball, Orange is neurotic, Blue is cool and smooth, and Green (the female M&M) is a purring seductress.

2. Nerds

nerds mascot

Nerds candy was created by the Willy Wonka Candy Factory in 1983 but is currently produced by Nestlé, which bought the company five years later. The Wonka brand was created as a marketing ploy to promote the movie Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, which debuted one month before the film, in 1971.

In the case of Nerds too, the personalities of the candy mascots are distinguished by their colors. Pink is naturally curious, constantly poking and prodding, looking for answers at every turn. Purple is quiet and introspective, but no less excited about solving problems than the others. Yellow is technically minded. They draw up blueprints, build precise models, and think everything through. Red has a wild imagination, often cooking up creative ways to invent solutions. Green is ready to make light of any situation, diffusing tension with laughter that’s never mean-spirited. Orange is the simplest of the NERDS. 

3. Cheerios

cheerios mascot

Cheerios’ first mascot was a little girl named Cheeri O’Leary, who appeared in printed Cheerios ads in the 1940s. In the 1950s (and again in the 1980s), televised commercials featured the animated Cheerios Kid and his sidekick, Sue. In these commercials, the Cheerios Kid gained the power to solve problems and save the day after eating Cheerios. In 2012, Cheerios revived these characters in a commercial to explain how Cheerios can lower cholesterol.

In 1999, Cheerios launched a 20th-anniversary public contest to name the famous honey bee. A child named Kristine Tong won, naming the honey bee BuzzBee. Eventually, the name would evolve to “Buzz” for short. Cheerios, part of General Mills, has pulled its famous candy mascot, “Buzz the Bee,” from boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios to draw attention to concerns about the alleged dwindling U.S. bee population. “Buzz is missing because there’s something serious going on with the world’s bees.

4. Sour Patch Kids

sour patch kids mascot

The sweet taste of Sour Patch Kids is close and beloved to everyone, from its sourest initials to sweetness in one bite, a real adventure for our taste receptors. It is this game of flavors that echoes their slogan, “Sour. Sweet. Gone.”

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It was originally offered in four flavors and colors — lime (green), lemon (yellow), peach (orange), and cherry (red).

The original candy mascot of Sour Patch Kids is a blonde candy man with his tongue sticking out. In fact, he was based on Frank Galatolie’s son (Frank Galatolie, who invented Sour Patch Kids, under the name of Mars Men), Scott. 

5. Jelly Belly

jelly belly mascot

At the age of 24, Gustav Goelitz opened a candy business in Belleville, Illinois. His family continued his business. Jelly Belly, Jelly beans are famous for their wide range of delicious and true flavors. The aroma packed in the center is also a memorable candy mascot for everyone.  

Ever since his 1983 debut, this character has been beloved by jelly bean enthusiasts, even if most of them may not know much about his background. Grab a bag of your favorite flavor and gather ‘round — we’re spilling the beans on this loveable candy character just in time for National Jelly Bean Day on April 22. He’s cherry red with a big grin on his face and just as sweet as the candy he was created after.

6. Froot Loops

froot loops mascot

Of course, we couldn’t leave out the legendary Froot Loops Toucan Mascot.

It is a circular cereal with bright colors and fruity flavors. The bright colors of Froot Loops and the fruit flavors are both attention-getting, easy to recall, and help define the name of the cereal. Froot Loops appeared on the market in 1959 and soon earned the love of kids. He still remains to be their favorite breakfast and its candy mascot as their best morning friend. Toucan Sam has been the official mascot of Froot Loops cereal since 1963. 

7. Everlasting Gobstopper

The Everlasting Gobstopper is candy from Roald Dahl’s 1964 children’s novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. According to its creator, Willy Wonka, it was intended “for children with very little pocket money”. It not only changes colors and flavors when sucked on but also never gets any smaller or disappears.

8. Cheetos

cheetos mascot

Cheetos were invented in 1948 by Fritos creator Charles E. Doolin.

The mascot appeared in 1986.

Chester Cheetah, also known as “Papa Chester,” is the coolest mascot to ever grace a bag of chips. He taught us how to be cool and only lost his composure when those finger-staining cornmeal puffs were in insight. Chester will do anything for a bag of Cheetos, and we’d be lying if we said we didn’t feel the same exact way.

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9. Pringles

pringles mascot

Pringles were invented in 1968 and the candy mascot was there from the very beginning. The familiar face that has been plastered on cylindrical cardboard canisters for decades has gone through some changes (where are the dude’s eyebrows?) But you’ll always recognize that signature mustache. Hair loss aside, since we popped way back in elementary school, the fun has yet to stop.

10. Trix Cereal

trix cereal mascot

Trix cereal was first introduced in 1954 and was the first fruit-flavored cereal on the market. The mascot was there from 1959.

“No other mascot pulled at your heartstrings like the Trix Rabbit.” After all of his incessant trickery, he could never catch a break and get a bowl of his namesake cereal. This was probably a good thing because Trix was obviously a fiend whose relentless pursuits of the cereal were attempts to get his fix. Because people didn’t want to see this rabbit go through withdrawals, there were a few times when he was granted a bowl of his beloved tree. “

Bottom Line Of Candy Mascots

As you can see, there are a lot of candies that are considered mascots nowadays. People all over the world still believe that some popular candies From M&M’s to Pringles, bring good luck. As a result, popular candy brands never hesitate to use mascots in order to strengthen their brand identity. And indeed, all these candy mascots help candy brands to raise awareness about their companies and drive sales. 

Now as you have already discovered the most popular candy mascots of all time and reviewed some myths about candy too, we hope you are a little more candy-coated than you were before you got here!

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